About me

My group website at Columbia University is now live! We are always looking for motivated and creative individuals at all levels. Please visit for the latest updates and information!

I am a Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley, working with Alp Sipahigil. I received my Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Caltech in 2023 and B.Eng. from Tsinghua University in 2017.

I will be starting my own group at Columbia University in January 2025. I am very excited about contributing to the frontier of quantum science and technology in this new role! Feel free to reach out to me if you are also interested in this field.

I am dedicated to pushing the boundaries of quantum technology and unlocking its potential for solving complex problems in information processing and fundamental sciences. My research focuses on developing cutting-edge quantum hardware to overcome the limitations of existing solid-state quantum platforms and explore uncharted territories in physics research. Having previously introduced long-range connectivity to superconducting circuit architectures, I am now a Miller Fellow, investigating innovative telecom-band quantum emitters in the mature silicon host material. Combining my background in micro- and nano-photonic devices, I am interested in creating robust, scalable quantum processors that can simulate many-body physics and drive advancements in both practical applications and theoretical understanding.

I have been fortunate to have collaborated with outstanding mentors/colleagues from around the world, including Oskar Painter, Soonwon Choi, Alejandro González-Tudela, Kerry Vahala, Yun-Feng Xiao, and Wenshan Cai.

Feel free to reach me at zhang(dot)xueyue(at)columbia(dot)edu!

News and activities

  • 11/14/2023 I am honored to be awarded the Boeing Quantum Creator Prize. I will be in Chicago for the 2023 Chicago Quantum Summit and the Quantum Creator Symposium. Hope to connect with you there!
  • 8/3/2023 It was really fun giving a Spark talk at the Challenge Institute of Quantum Computing (CIQC) quantum gathering. Such a wonderful way to integrate myself in a great quantum community. Addressing connectivity challenges in quantum hardware
  • 7/19/2023 It has been a pleasure attending the QuNeW workshop where I presented preliminary results on color centers in silicon. It was really nice networking with many experts in my first quantum networking workshop/conference.
  • 5/22/2023 I was awarded 2023 Rising Star in Physics. Thank you, all the committe members, for putting together a wonderful workshop!
  • 4/3/2023 I will be visiting Columbia University and giving a seminar “Superconducting Circuit Architectures Based on Light-Matter Interactions”.
  • 3/28/2023 I have joined UC Berkeley as a Miller research fellow working with Alp Sipahigil.
  • 2/21/2023 I have passed my thesis defense with the title “Superconducting circuit architectures based on waveguide quantum electromagnetics” and become Dr. Zhang!
  • 1/20/2023 Our manuscript ‘‘A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic-bandgap metamaterial’’ is published in Science as a Research Article! Science 379, 6629 (2023).
  • 12/15/2022 I’m giving an invited talk at the QuantumFest (Harvard Quantum Initiative) titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity”.
  • 9/16/2022 I’m giving an invited special seminar at Stanford University titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity”.
  • 9/9/2022 I’m giving an invited talk at the IQIM Seminar (Caltech) titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity”.
  • 9/2/2022 I’m giving an invited talk at the joint seminar by HKUST ECE and IEEE HKED/SSC titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity” on September 2nd (HK time) via Zoom.
  • 8/24/2022 I’m giving an invited talk at the AMI/QI seminar (UC Berkeley) titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity”.
  • 8/15/2022 I’m giving an invited special seminar in Prof. Liang Jiang’s group at University of Chicago titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity”. Thank you, Liang, for inviting me!
  • 7/12/2022 I’m giving an invited special seminar in Prof. Norman Yao’s group at UC Berkeley titled “A scalable superconducting quantum architecture with long-range connectivity”. Thank you, Norm, for inviting me!